Meek Mill deletes his Instagram Page


In odd fashion, Meek Mill’s favorite social media outlet has mysteriously disappeared.

Don’t ask why, but Meek Mill’s Instagram page was just mysteriously taken down for some reason on Monday night.Of course, many fan are already speculating as for why the disappearance happened. Some believe it could be the start of the rollout for Dreamchasers 4, especially since he just dropped nine (9) snippets just hours earlier on IG, while others are saying it was done on purpose to clear his head & take a break from social media, similar to what he’s done on Twitter in the past.

Whatever it is, it must mean something because Meek is an avid IG user and to see him delete it completely seems uncharacteristic.

Check it out for yourself here, and we’ll keep you posted if we get reasoning for this random disappearance. #DC4 on the way




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