Five female athletes from England’s Women’s Rugby sevens team have stripped off for Women’s Health photoshoot.
The naked photoshoot sees female players Claire Allan, Danielle Waterman, Michaela Staniford, Amy Wilson-Hardy and Heather Fisher celebrate the bodies that had got them to the top of their field.
The Oxford University women's rugby team, have stripped off for the Beat Calendar in 13 different rugby-related poses. The sexy shots, which show female members of the squad training & exercising in the nude, while wearing just their rugby socks and boots, will help to raise money for Beat, a…
Nigeria’s female vocalist and African troubadour DIAMOND DIVA is your Classic girl in new stunning photos. Diamond Diva, is preparing to drop a single very soon., This year DIAMOND DIVA has lined up a bunch of new song to be releases and Shout Out to My Lover is just a tip of the iceberg. For Bookings…
The 29-year-old actress and gym fanatic bared it all for Women's Health as she spoke to the magazine about her flaws and getting over down days. Speaking openly on her image, she told the magazine: 'I'm not perfect. I'm not trying to represent myself as being some perfect girl, but…