Donald Trump to ban 2-year visa for Nigerians entering US

US President, Donald Trump’s executive order may affect Nigeria’s two-year visa validity entry into America if President Muhammadu Buhari-led federal government failed to take proactive measures.

According to a recent analysis on the Trump’s executive order, Nigerians will no longer be issued with American entry visas which have two-year validity.

Reports claim that Nigerians who hold dual nationality will be affected if their other passport is from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen – the seven Muslim-majority countries “of concern”.

Analysis shows that at least two clauses of the Executive order will affect Nigerians directly.

Section 9 of the Executive Order states: “The Secretary of State shall review all non-immigrant visa reciprocity agreements to ensure that they are, with respect to each visa classification, truly reciprocal insofar as practicable with respect to validity period and fees, as required by sections 221(c) and 281 of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1201(c) and 1351, and other treatment. If a country does not treat United States nationals seeking nonimmigrant visas in a reciprocal manner, the Secretary of State shall adjust the visa validity period, fee schedule, or other treatment to match the treatment of United States nationals by the foreign country, to the extent practicable…”

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