6 Plain-Old Everyday Words That Are WAY Sexier Than ‘I Love You’


I’ve learned that it’s how we respond to the hundreds of verbal and non-verbal requests for emotional connection that will determine whether our relationship flourishes or wilts on the vine.

I realized that washing dishes is really about a lot more than washing dishes. It tells my wife that I care about her desire to have a clean kitchen every day. It tells her that I’m aware that bending over the sink to wash can aggravate her back and my remembering to do the dishes every day shows I care and respect her comfort.

Going to the doctor, sexy? Well, think of it this way — a sick husband is about the most “unsexy” being on the face of the planet. When I’m sick, I’m angry and ashamed I’m not the “big, strong, man,” I long to be. I’m totally ambivalent about being taken care of. I want and need Carlin’s care and support, yet I’m afraid of appearing needy.

My conflicted feelings make me a bear to be around, much less want to engage romantically.

Going to the doctor and taking care of my health, I see now is truly a gift not only to myself, but also to Carlin. It also helps keep our relationship juicy and hot.

There are 6 words the media teaches men that we should ALWAYS say to our partner. We’ve all heard them — the big three: “I love you”. And the REALLY big three: “I am sorry”.

We’re told you can never say them enough. Let me see how I can put this delicately? Bull sh*t!

First, most women have heard these words so much they bear no meaning. Second, most of us use them as a way to placate our partner — not because they are truly heart-felt. And third — they are words, not actions. My wife would much rather I demonstrated my love for her or my remorse when I’ve screwed up, rather than talking about it.

Here are 6 words that will REALLY rock your woman’s world: “Don’t worry honey, I’ve got this”.

These words tell a different story. They say, we’re facing some real challenges in our lives, but not only will we get through this together, but you can count on me to take care of the things that matter.

Instead of trying to give women superficial assurance that we love them and we’re sorry when we make a mistake, it would serve us all better if we listened to what women really wanted.

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