UK based Rapper “Mz J4zzie” claims Nigeria’s Afro-Rap Throne
Fast Rising Nigerian Rapper based in the United Kingdom, Mz J4ZZIE recently declared herself “AFRO RAP QUEEN” in a post trending on social media, when asked why she thinks she deserves the tittle, the Lawyer turned Rapper, Mz J4zzie said “The position was vacant so I took it, it’s not my fault all the female emcees are sleeping on the microphone, wake up am the new QUEEN OF AFRO RAP.”
Ready with so much positive energy and suave this new Queen of lyricist might be toeing a path to greatness as she stands unchallenged with mad rap skills and determination to stir up the Nigerian Rap scene and with her unique style that resonates superstardom, the sky is just the beginning for Mz J4zzie