Six Reasons You Aren’t Getting Those Blow Jobs

It is simple; these things might not have occurred before now but I assure you they are the simplest things you did not even think of or realize.
You don’t keep the grass low– No woman wants to be scratched all over the face by your pubic hair simply because you refused to keep it low/trim before getting head. She does not want her face to be lost in the bush you have down there, so she won’t go down low when you ask for it or want it.
So how about you take care of the garden before you ask for a blow job next time?
You simply don’t wash– Body parts smell. That is why bathing has to be one of the best things ever! If you don’t wash, you simply will smell. And by washing we mean dragging a soap and sponge through every part of your body. So if you will have to soak the pole you carry beneath you in warm soapy water or use an iron sponge through it, it don’t matter to the woman, as long as you are not carrying a stench when you ask her to go down low.
Your Magic Stick is just simply… too long– Abeg let us be honest, no woman wants to develop sore throat because she gave head. None.
You keep pushing the woman down there– Lol this one’s hilarious and downright ridiculous and it happens in most cases during foreplay. Guys have this silly habit of pushing a woman’s head towards there dick or pulling their hands there during foreplay. That’s plain silly.
You see, if she wants to do it, let her be the one to offer. Don’t shove her head there like it is her job and that is where her head was made to be.
You keep asking her to choke on it– Too much porn might be giving you the liberty of borrowing vocab from the porn dictionary, I am not here to judge. But when you keep moaning or yelling (or pushing the woman’s head further down your dick while she gives you blow job) choke on it, she is not likely going to look forward to another time.
Why? Because nobody wants to choke on a freaking dick in real life. At least not women who still need their air supply.
When you Pee, you don’t clean off before the deed– I tell ya, if she wants to drink pee, she has hers. So please quit trying to get her drunk on yours and if you don’t, oh well, you will at least know why she won’t be going down low anytime soon.