Simple Ways To Build Your Muscles Fast
Simple Ways To Build Your Muscles Fast
Every guy wants to muscle up and feel that masculinity associated with a well-built body. When it comes to getting fit, there are two starting lines where everyone starts out: one line consists of all the people who to lose fat, and there’s the other which has to do with the skinny guys and girls who want to build muscle. For those who are starting out at the skinny guy line, this is for you.
There are a few simple rules to follow, I have broken them down below.
Eat big
Yes, bulk up. Stop eating like a girl. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should eat everything that comes in your way. Eating a lot of eba, pounded yam, fried food, or noodles for example is not going to do you any good unless you want to be BIG and FAT. But if you are interested in building those muscles you need up your calories and also consume foods rich in protein like eggs, chicken, red meat, turkey, egg whites, fish etc. I could keep going with the foods you can eat, but you get the idea. If you want to get big, you need to eat big.
So whatever amount of calorie and protein you are eating now needs to be doubled.
Train harder
It is that simple. If you want to get bigger, you have to lift heavy. Enough of the feather weights. You need to work your muscles to the point that they can do 8,9, or 10 repetitions per working session. Do compound exercises.
For example, if you usually do 100 press ups a day, make it 150 then gradually improve. Your muscles fibers need to do work to get bigger. But read this carefully, it is very important you know your threshold and limit. Just make sure that the weight is not too heavy that it impacts your form. Lifting too heavy can also cause an injury.
Rest cannot be over emphasized in order to achieve this goal. Getting eight hours of sleep every night is crucial for growth-hormone release. A nap every day in addition is even better if you can get it. In between workouts, get massages or use a foam roller to work out knots in your muscles and improve blood flow. Making these part of your routine enhances recovery.
Water has no enemy
As you eat, drinking water is just also very important. Your body is made up of about 70% water, so you need to keep your body hydrated for it to function properly. Remember that your body can live for weeks without food, but only days without water. That is how important it is to our body, and for your muscles. Without water, your body cannot break down all the nutrients that you consume, all that protein and calories you eat to aid the bulk up will go to waste if you don’t drink any water.
Don’t stop
Keep going, don’t ever quit. If you think you are skinny and want to build some muscle, you can’t ever quit. Just because you didn’t gain a single pound in a week doesn’t mean that you will never get bigger. It just means that you need to work harder, eat more and remain consistent.
There will be times when you feel like you just want to give up. All the people that have seen results whether it’s building muscle or losing fat got to where they want because they never quit. Just set a goal for yourself and pursue it back to back.
To conclude, remember why you started in the first place, that should keep you going.