SIMPLE Tips To Ending That Embarasing Snoring Habit
Snoring happens when you can’t move air freely through your nose and throat during sleep. This makes the surrounding tissues vibrate, which produces the familiar snoring sound.
People who snore often have too much throat and nasal tissue or “floppy” tissue that is more prone to vibrate. The position of your tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.
It is important to look at the key causes of snoring. Sinus infections, nasal congestion, being overweight, and alcohol consumption are all factors that can create or exacerbate snoring. Some of these contributors can be avoided by doing things like losing weight and reducing the consumption of alcohol and sedatives. Sleeping on your side or keeping a regularly scheduled sleeping pattern are some other natural ways to stop snoring. As snoring is often related to lifestyle, there are some simple changes you can make to minimize it.
Lose weight: Weight loss can help individuals reduce snoring naturally, especially when snoring was not an issue prior to weight gain. Excess fat on the body, especially around the neck, can put undue pressure on the airway and even cause it to partially collapse. This partial airway restriction results in snoring. While weight loss may be helpful for some sufferers, weight loss is not a sure-fire solution, as slimmer individuals can snore too.
Change your sleeping position: Lying on your back makes the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse to the back wall of your throat, causing a vibrating sound during sleep. Sleeping on your side may help prevent this.
Stop smoking: Research has proved smoking to be a major contributor to snoring. It is believed snoring as a result of smoking is caused by upper airway irritation and inflammation. Even more concerning, prolonged smoking can lead to permanent damage to the respiratory system.Cigarette smoke irritates the lining of the nasal cavity and throat, causing swelling and catarrh. If the nasal passages become congested, it’s difficult to breathe through your nose because the airflow is decreased. Quit smoking today.
Avoid alcohol and sedatives: The consumption of booze, tranquilizers or sleeping pills can lead to the depression of your central nervous system, which relaxes the muscles of your throat and jaw. Relaxed muscles in this area can cause the tongue to relax as well and block the throat airway. If you consume these substances frequently, they may be to blame for your snoring habit. Avoid alcohol before going to bed. Alcohol causes the muscles to relax more than usual during a normal night’s sleep. This added relaxation of the muscles makes the back of the throat collapse more readily, which then causes snoring.
Exercise: Moderate exercise a few times a week is beneficial for a multitude of reasons, including its ability to help you stop snoring naturally. In addition, exercise can be helpful in maintaining a consistent sleep schedule as well as assisting with weight loss; both suggested habits that are natural ways to stop snoring.
Nasal decongestant: A stuffed-up nose makes breathing difficult, especially at night. Lying down can create a vacuum in your throat, which in turn leads to snoring. You can clear nasal passages by using an over-the-counter saline spray or a humidifier. Nasal decongestants are another option as they improve inhalation and allow you to breathe more easily both during the day and while sleeping.
Practice good sleep hygiene: Poor sleeping habits also known as poor sleep “hygiene” can have an effect similar to that of drinking alcohol. Working long hours without enough sleep, for example, means when you finally hit the sack you’re overtired. You sleep hard and deep, and the muscles become floppier, which creates snoring.
Stay well hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids. Secretions in your nose and soft palate become stickier when you’re dehydrated, this can create more snoring. According to study, healthy women should have about 11 cups of total water (from all drinks and food) a day; men require about 16 cups.