Signs That You Are Not A Grown Woman

Everybody grows old not everybody grows up says somebody(I have no idea who said it).
Age has nothing to do with maturity. Nothing whatsoever. But at the same time, when a female reaches a certain age, she is expected to have outgrown some behaviors and act less like a girl and more like a woman.
If your body and your age has grown but your behavior still reflects some of the things listed below, then sister, you have some serious growing up to do.
1. You are a cat: I don’t mean this the sexual way. If you are always ready to show your paws and pounce on anybody who tries to mess with you regardless of where you are, then you need to check yourself.
Maturity includes being able to hold it in and handle issues without causing a scene. If the only way you know how to settle issues is to set your shoes, jewelry and purse apart while you “get some sense into that chic’s head” then you are a child.
2. Messing around with boys: whenever it comes to dating, the type of guys you end up with are the unserious ones who find it very hard to grow up and who find it pretty easy to dip their hands into other women’s cookie jar.
Then they break your heart, you go crying to your friends, update your social media with “I’m moving on without you!” “Good riddance to bad rubbish” while you eat ice cream and dab your eyes with tissue and then you heal and hook up with the next childish guy.
When this happens to you more than once, its no longer a heartbreak, its sheer stupidity and inability to act like a grown woman.
No grown woman keeps going back to her mistakes.
3. You shop on impulse: you like to keep up with the trend and who cares if your salary is fat enough to afford that life yeah?
While I’m not here to tell you how to spend your salary, buying everything you feel like just because you have the money isn’t only silly but really immature. Life is more complex than the new fashion trends and money doesn’t stay forever. As a grown up, what you must have learnt while growing up and should be able to tell your kids while you raise them is that buying just because you feel like is silly. Saving is key and should be done anytime.
Tell yourself you are about the good life and you are giving yourself a treat but I say, treat occasionally not daily.
And if you are a woman who doesn’t earn much but who shops more than she can afford, then you aren’t only a child, you are an individual in need of serious intervention.
4. You are rude: aint nothing classy about being nasty. If you have a huge problem with relating nicely with others, then you need to go back to kindergarten and learn from your teachers and parents that talking badly to others is very wrong and leads nobody anywhere good.
5. Ms Party Animal: this week you’re hitting the club and next week you’re hitting the club and then the beach and then some hangout and then a party.
If your weekend is always party filled with you having social functions every other time, you need to realize sister, that you are a girl not a grown woman.
Who parties away every other time? What happened to some alone time while you reflect?