Spaiskid is GOLDMUSICGROUP (GMG) versatile recording artiste, a student of HOUDEGBE NORTH AMERICA UNIVERSITY BENIN (HNAUB) , he has drop couples of hit songs online songs like Carica papaya , Go down, Bobo mi, SUNMOMI , Don’t go and more.. Spaiskid proves he is here to stay drops another single hit “JEJE ” next rated song.. Produced by GOD’SOWN , Mixed & Mast by Mr Bee.
Sho Best Music Presents "Sho-Worry - Take Am Jeje". Sho-Worry is a lover of good music, "Take Am Jeje is his first new single in 2018. The song is written about a girl that drives him crazy. Follow on Twitter & Instagram: @Sho_Worry Listen and download. DOWNLOAD
Truelife consist of Matthew and Gabriel Johnson born in Agege, Lagos. “Truelife” is a music group putts through the record “Jeje” a dancehall hit banger for free downloads. produced by PBOI Da’Beat Wizard. DOWNLOAD