‘Sex with him was hot, he has the body of a champion but his male parts don’t match’- Usain Bolt’s Rio student lover says

Jady Duarte, the girl who shared snaps of Usain Bolt cuddling and kissing her in bed while in Rio during his birthday celebrations has now revealed that the Olympic champion wooed her after flashing his toned muscles and six packs but that ‘down there’ he’s not really as endowed as everyone thinks.

“He was stood in front of us and suddenly he pulled up his shirt and showed us his six pack,” Jady, Mother of two told Mail Online. “I had never seen anything like it. I just had to reach out and stroke it.”
‘He’s dark, tall, muscly – just my type – but there were so many beautiful girls there I never imagined I would be the one. The bodyguard said Bolt wants you to come over. I didn’t go at first because I was playing hard to get. Most girls would go over there like a shot but I wanted to make him work. When I was waiting in line to pay at the end of the night he sent the bodyguard over again. He said “why are you not following him? This is Usain Bolt”.
‘They never asked me for any sort of pass or my ID,’ said the young Brazilian beauty. They didn’t even question him, I guess, because he’s Bolt. We had two other guys with us and I think they were athletes because they also had muscly, fit bodies.I was surprised that he didn’t take me to an expensive hotel but I didn’t pay much attention because we were kissing the entire way.
‘It was mainly just small talk and him telling me how beautiful I was,’ she said. ‘We used Google but I didn’t need a translator to tell me that he wanted sex.
“Finally we were waiting in line for a taxi and he smiled at me and did the famous victory pose so I was in no doubt who he was,” she added. “That’s was when I decided it was time to give in to him. He pulled me into the taxi and gave me an incredible kiss. It was very passionate and hot – we were devouring one another. He has the body of a champion although his male parts do not match – he is just like a regular guy,” she claimed.
“I really thought we had something going, But now I can see that he picks up women as quickly as he picks up gold medals. I knew who he was from TV. My mother has been screaming during all his races because she’s such a huge fan,’