Review – Wisdom and Marvy Paints a Smooth Love Picture with “Stay”

The lines between music genres are now blurry. Thanks to digitalization of music. Listen to Stay by Wisdom an Afropop artiste from Houston, Texas featuring Marvy and you might likely not recognize the genre from the beginning.
The song began with electronically amplified percussion that introduces you to Wisdom’s mellow vocal singing the first verse. His lyrics are endearing housing fear amid the lines. They embody the chronicle of a man who is pleading for the presence and attention of his lover, “I wrote you a song, I’m hoping you reply back/ I’ve waited so long, my baby please come home…” which made way for the refrain of the song that has two cliches: Rain stop pouring; sun is done shining.
The second verse has Marvy singing in Yoruba. Her verse is a short translation of what Wisdom sang in his verse and it portrays one of the essentials of African Popular Music, singing in indigenous language or the local parlance of the people whether in Lagos, Nigeria or Soweto, South Africa.
The song is relatable to the listeners as love is a popular thing and the idea of losing someone you love is unpleasant. Love lost breaks the heart and Wisdom is not ready to be a victim.
Stay is an Afropop song that’s well-written and rightly performed. It’s a mid-tempo song produced by ID Cabasa that leaves you to swing your body like a pendulum. Slowly. The song is from Wisdom’s “Not Just A Man” album. The success of the song and the album will position Wisdom to be one of the poster boys for everything African Music and he’s at an advantage since he has the love from house and he’s penetrating the American market from America.