READ: Too Much S*x Can Give You A Heart Attack.
A new study has some unpleasant news for ageing men: Having lots of enjoyable s*x may put them at a greater risk for heart complications.
The study, published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, looked at 2,204 people between the ages 57 to 85. The people were interviewed again five years later, in an effort to understand how s*x impacts people’s health later in life.
The report authors found that men who reported having at least weekly s*x were more likely to report experiencing heart problems when they were interviewed again a few years later, compared to men who were not sexually active.
“Older men who found s*x with their partner extremely pleasurable or satisfying had higher risk of cardiovascular events than men who did not feel so,” said study author Hui Liu, an associate professor of sociology at Michigan State University in a statement.
Women, however, did not experience any increase in heart health problems with more sexual activity. In fact, women who reported feeling highly satisfied with their s*x life had a lower risk of high blood pressure years later, compared to women who didn’t hold the same level of satisfaction.
The study had found a link between heart problems and s*x, but it’s not definitive. More studies are needed to gain a clearer understanding of the benefits and risks of s*x later in life, and whether the amount of sexual activity matters as people age.
Overall, older men tend to have more sexual complications compared to younger men, and Liu argues that the exertion to reach orgasm could be causing heart stress.
It’s also possible that medications men take to improve their sexual performance, like testosterone therapy, could be playing a role.
However, the researchers did not look at this connection in the study