Policemen Who Murdered Nigerian Student Acquitted By Court

A video clip showing Georgia policemen beating a Nigerian student, Matthew Ajibade – who eventually died – went viral last week. The boy who is mentally ill was repeatedly kicked in the head and then tasered in the testicles by the policemen.
And even with the video evidence, the policemen who were given a maximum charge of involuntary manslaughter and other minor charges, were all cleared of the charge on Friday by a jury.
Jason Kenny, who used the stun gun on Ajibade, was only found guilty of cruelty to a prisoner, which carries a possible prison sentence of 1 to 3 years. Maxine Kenny was only found guilty of falsifying records and the nurse, Gregory Brown, was not even found of perjury for claiming he had checked on Ajibade when security footage shows he never did.
Ajibade’s cousin, Chris Oladapo told NBC News that he was not surprised the officers were found not guilty of the top charge.
“I knew that that same system that failed Mathew would not be the system that got him justice,” he said. “I had already warned my family not to expect anything. We expected nothing, and we got nothing”
Uncharacteristically, the Black Lives Matter – a section of Twitter populated by Black Americans fighting for racial equality – has been relatively silent on the matter. It is unclear whether because Matthew Ajibade is a foreigner or if because most of the officers involved were black.
To refresh your memory on the brutality of the attack, here is the video again.