PHOTOS: Susan Rosemon and the inspiration for creating this reflection CD dress
(The CD Dress)!
I am Susan Rosemon and the inspiration for creating this reflection CD dress came in one of my moments of self reflection. I sat down quietly one day and was inspired to create something that really portrayed how I feel almost every day. Running this race called life is really tough.
There are so many ups and downs that break you and most times want to make you give up. But when I reflect on my life I somehow get strength to stand up and keep pushing because I know the race is not for the strongest or the bravest or the toughest. It’s the grace of God that helps us fulfill purpose, run the race to the end and finish strong. I wanted to create something that signifies hope and helps activate our inner strength.
This reflection dress was made out of Compact Disk (CD) that reflects light. This is because I know that just like this reflection dress, our lives can one day reflect the light that God has ordained for us if we trust Him with our lives. At the end of our long journey on earth, we get a crown of glory.
This reflection CD crown is meant to signify that glory that awaits us. This reflection dress is meant to signify hope to us all that one day, our light will shine, we will finish strong and there is a crown of glory awaiting us at the end of this race called life.