Meet Golden World Records Artist Khidian

Recently we interview the p money led golden world records act Khidian and here is a thing we need to know bout him.
1. Can we meet you?
Yes, I am Khidian.. Currently an upcoming artist but I see my self soon to be the rave of the moment to burst your speakers.
2. How long have you been doing music?
Well, I have had this hunger and passion for music since I was 9, but I officially started late 2017 when I dropped my first official track ” Rich White Guy” under P MONEY Golden world Records
3. Is there any song out yet?
Yessss, I have 4 tracks already to my name but the movement is currently on “Obiageli” and it’s good positive results are coming to the table.
4. Why did you choose music over other entertaining career?
I choose Music because like I said I have had this hunger and passion for music, that’s where my talent lies in so I had to do it officially because it’s what makes me happy!
5. How long have you been in the music game?
Yeah like I said before I started officially late 2017 when I dropped my first official track ” Rich White Guy” so it’s already 2 years.
6. What’s your greatest challenge as an artist?
My greatest challenge would be not making fame get over me, I really love relating with people, meeting with new faces and getting acquainted but most artists once they have gotten to limelight they will then see others like something I can’t explain because I personally I have been humilated severally by few artists whose names I won’t mention here just because I requested for a picture to prove to friends that I actually saw them, hahahaha, it’s just a crazy world and life on the Fame game so I just hope to still be my real self and let people talk good about me as a person not just talking about my songs..
7. Apart from music what else do you do (optional)?
Nothing at all for now, all my focus right now is fully on music, going to the studio frequently and countless times spend most time writing songs, always busy on the music business so I don’t want to get myself involved on any other thing at all to avoid distractions on my music Job, so just music for now apart from I am currently enrolled in the university as a full time student of Lagos State University.
8. Which celebrity are you looking up too?
very good question haha, I am currently looking up to Wizkid and Davido, these 2 are my mentors, I am not the type that will say this one is better than this one bla bla bla, they are both doing well and I get a lot of inspirations from them both and really looking and striving hard to be on their level Grace because they are just blessed.
9. Musically, where do you see yourself in the next 3years?
Well, actually I see my self been a on time next rated artist by God’s grace, so in 3 years I see myself achieving a lot and my name will be the talk of town even an infant will nod in agreement when they mention ” Khidian”
10. how do you balance music and your relationship (optional)?
I have said this before, I am doing music alone for now, I do not need any distraction, I am not in a relationship maybe later on when need be, but for now I am married to the melody of Music and I am in a relationship with my sounds.
11. Are you signed under any record label?
Yes I am currently signed to Golden World Records with P Money the C.E.O, actually he is my brother but he signed me into his label for the music business, but I am the only signed artist there for now.
12. What message do you have for fast rising artist out there?
Consistency, do not relent unless you’re doing music for fun, but if it’s not for fun then make it a priority, let it be part of you…
Impose all of your energies and abilities on your songs so people can happily dance to your tune and feel happy whenever your name is mentioned, with that you’ve achieved greatness, and most importantly “Pray” put God first on your music career and put in your efforts, so hard work plus prayer equals excellency.