KARATE!!! Japan comes to Lagos – 2days Course with Shihan Manabu Murakami @skilagos
KARATE!!! Japan comes to Lagos – 2days Course with Shihan Manabu Murakami. @skilagos
Get ready for 2days unusual International Course with Shian Manabu Murakami, as he comes to Nigeria for the first time.
Shian Manabu Murakami Shuseki (8th Dan) is the Chief Instructor of SKIF (Shotokan Karate International Federation), chosen directly by Supreme Instructor of World Shotokan Karate, KANAZAWA HIROKAZU SOKE (10th Dan) after he set up the section (SKIF) in 1978. He was SKI World Champion
in 1988, 1991 and 1994. He was born October 1966.
The 2days International Course with Shian Murakami will take place on the 6th and 7th, Tuesday and Wednesday respectively at the Indoor Sports Hall, Lagos State Sports Council (Rowepark), Casino, Yaba Lagos. Each day will include 2 sessions: 9am – 11am and 4pm – 6pm.
Click for Direction
Training Fee: 7,500 Adult and 1,500 Children
Expected to attend are all Shotokan Karate Practitioners.
Expected Countries are: Benin, Chad, Cameroon and Togo.
Media Exclusive to Gbetu Tv and DBN Tv (other partners are allowed on clear indication)
You can register ahead using Our Google Form
For more information, please whatsapp/call:
Sensei Fadaka – 07089382259
Sensei Saunaka – 08023269734
Sensei Peter – 08020990080
Or simply send an email to [email protected]
Fadaka Louis
Announcer (PR).