Do Girls Like Boxers Or Briefs?


Are You The Guy Who Prefers Boxers Over Briefs Or The Other Way Around? Do Girls Like Boxers Or Briefs? Here’s A Final Showdown On Boxers And Briefs. The Super Kitty Reveals What Fits Snug And What Kicks Butt!

The world’s been divided for a long time over the business of the underwear, which is, to be perfectly put, the “last line of defense for men”.

A man’s underwear has undergone an iconic change and is now more of a fashion statement than anything else.

Innerwear having a huge elastic strap with blazing red letters forming the words ‘Calvin Klein’ or ‘Tommy Hilfiger’ isn’t meant to be hidden anymore, what with all the low waist pants we get these days.

A decade or so ago, if one ever caught a glimpse of someone’s underwear, not only was it *uncool*, it was also quite disgusting!

But these days, guys are seen wearing pants well below their butt cracks, with nothing but sheer cotton whities and a big brand emblazoning it. It’s still disgusting though.

Surprisingly, this trend isn’t restricted to men alone. Women too seem to have acquired a fascination to show off their beautiful underwear strings and lacy lingerie to anyone who cares (and don’t men just love that!).

But girls and their underwear apart, men’s underwear has evolved a long way in their lives.

And apparently, the kind of underwear a man chooses talks a lot about his personality, whatever that means!

Do girls like boxers or briefs?

Haven’t we all heard that women prefer men with boxers, and mama’s boys wear briefs and tighty whities?

It may make some sense, considering that briefs come in all sizes, whereas boxers come only in larger sizes that fit men, and not boys. And in any case, men look at boxers as the proof of transition from boyhood to rugged manhood, right?

But how true can this really be? And could your underwear actually make the difference between a dorky nerd and a manly sex god? It’s time to reveal the real dirt.

Boxers vs Briefs

It all comes down to this, doesn’t it? Men will stuff anything into their pants, just as long as a girl gives it a second glance. The first time you believed the theory that boxers are supposedly cooler was when you heard a sexy bombshell in a movie admire a man’s banana-split through a pair of silk boxers.

But do girls really prefer boxers over briefs?

Well, that’s just nonsense.

There really isn’t such a thing as the sexier underwear. The best adage that can be associated with underwear is probably ‘to each his own’. So irrespective of whether you’re a boxer man or a brief dude, don’t worry. You’re still hot stuff!

Worried about what women would think about your underwear? The chatter about boxers being preferred over all other types of underwear is just a myth. Almost all women are fine with boxers or briefs. Well, just as long as you keep them clean and unstained!

Briefs, fertility and your happy balls

Most men prefer wearing boxers even if it does have its own share of discomforts because they firmly believe that tighter briefs reduce the sperm count in men.

It’s always been believed that tight briefs generate a lot of heat, which leads to mass killing of a man’s sperm cells. The claim seems rather realistic, especially considering the fact that briefs do make your little Johnny feel like a contortionist performing in the Sahara.

And to make things worse for the brief wearers, the heat can make your coin purse sag out like an old man’s balls in tiny shorts. You know, it does look kinda *unsexy* when a girl goes down and finds two droopy man baby boobs. It makes me want to buy your little fella a push up bra!

But nevertheless, studies on humans and dogs made to wear underwear (serious!) have shown that these claims are totally baseless. Apparently, the heat generated by wearing a brief wasn’t really enough to make your sperm warriors go on a mass suicide spree.

Why you should wear briefs

There are a lot of things you really can’t do when Johnny and his two hanging buddies are flopping low in boxers. You can’t go hopping on a horse, you can’t really run fast without the fear of your thighs crushing your Jim Beans, and you definitely can’t wear well fitting trousers. The brief is the best accessory if you’re wearing well-cut pants. No woman really wants to see a boxer-bulge and a crumpled butt stuffed with layers of clothing.

If you’re into sports or lead an active lifestyle, you definitely need tighty whities to ensure you’re comfortable. It holds your sausage sack in place and doesn’t really come in your way when you’re on an adventure. And briefs are always better at concealing an unforced erection. Otherwise, Superman, what with his super x-ray vision, wouldn’t really be wearing another pair of briefs over his pants, would he?

Seriously, if limpy wants to start swaying to a charmer when a young mother’s breastfeeding her child in a park, wear your briefs, you lil’ perv.

Why you should wear boxers

Boxers are designed for men that like a little air flow in their harbor. If you have a private jet that inflates to the size of a jumbo jet when you see a group of fit girls jiggling on an evening jog, you definitely need something more comfortable than a tighty whitey.

Boxers are easy to use, and you don’t really need to dig down there or use a spring action lever to pull your hot dog out from deep within to water the plants or write your name in the snow.

And if you’re into flashy bling bling undies, boxers come in many stylish colors and patterns. Have you ever seen a glow in the dark or Homer Simpson briefs? I think not. Boxers are more stylish and define the type of man who wears them. They can be fun, sexy, outrageous or simple.

Super Kitty says – So what’s best?

While women don’t really care about boxers or briefs, as long as it looks good on you, I’d say otherwise. If it’s my suggestion, I’d tell you to go with the best of both worlds. Use a boxer brief.

Boxer briefs aren’t really small and compact like a brief which can at times look like an oversized G-string when it gets trapped in a man’s butt crack. And boxer briefs don’t really scream ‘wannabe’ like a boxer does.

Boxer briefs are comparatively airier, and fit very well on a man’s butt. They conceal themselves well in cotton trousers and suit pants, and yet, look well fitting and sexy when a man’s walking around in his bare minimum. It accentuates your ass and makes it look firm, and girls love that.

So do girls like boxers or briefs? While the rest of the men fight over boxers and briefs, leave the stupid war behind and cover your own behind with something like a boxer brief that’s well fitting, snug, sexy and most importantly, mature. And the girl in your bed will love you for that!

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