Getting A Boyfriend The Lazy Girl’s Style

Its hard landing a good man, it is harder landing a good job but when we have the latter and not the former, getting a social life that would help us get a good man might threaten our jobs.
And we do need the jobs don’t we?
If you don’t want to work too hard at getting a good man because of your busy lifestyle and tight work schedule, you might want to try the lazy girl’s guide listed below, which you can do without as much as lifting a muscle.
-Let the whole world know. Okay maybe not the whole world, but let everyone around you know you are single and very ready to date. Let them know you are available and let them get the world out. You can never say, someone can know someone that will know someone that will connect you with your Mr right.
-Use social media, all the way from your couch. Are you very much in touch with your facebook side? Then update your status on facebook and let the whole social media world know you are available, be ready to keep the obnoxious “toasters” away though.
-Tell God. Oh well, He is the only one who performs miracles and who can deliver your exact taste to your doorstep. And all you have to do is get on your knees.
-Try office dating. If that is allowed in your workplace, why not? Since your office is where you spend most of your time anyway, you can pick someone you fancy from there and make it work, I mean you can always see at work and have your free time planned together.
-if all these doesn’t work, just get a T-shirt and print “I AM SINGLE” boldly on it and wear it everywhere. I swear, that one will work