Five Reasons Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Get Intimate With You

If your spouse is rarely in the mood for any form of intimacy, there is a very high chance that there is much more going on than you’d expect. Here are five things that could be preventing intimacy between you and your partner.

Unending Lists
Most of us have a lot going on at all times, but if your partner feels as though they have an endless list of things to do, they may pull away from sex. If all your partner can think about is her boss who is driving her crazy, how much laundry needs to be done, how the kids need new school clothes, it can be next to impossible for her to get her head in the game.

Letting her share her work concerns, knocking out the to-do list together, and giving her a safe space to vent can go a long way to help her get back in the grove.

Feeling Disconnected
If you and your partner haven’t had time to reconnect in a while, you might be feeling a bit cut off from each other physically and emotionally. In such cases, let your partner know that you’re there for them.

A gesture as simple as holding your partners hand or rubbing their shoulder his hand or taking the time to really look into their eyes when you tell them you love them can go a long way to make them feel connected to you and thus more inclined to want to share more intimacy with you.

Financial woes
Considering the fact that money troubles are a top cause of relationships breakup, it’s not a surprise that financial issues can cause rifts in even the most harmonious couples.

The results of unaddressed financial stressors in a relationship can cause negative feelings towards your partner, fear and anxiety, broken trust, depression symptoms and a lack of sexual desire.

A combination of finances, creating a budget, and agreeing as a couple on financial goals can help to increase the sense of closeness, trust, and security within your relationship.

Digital distractions
Nowadays, it is quite difficult to sit on the couch and watch a TV show with your partner or go out to dinner at a nice restaurant without looking at your phone every five minutes. This has the ability to reduce intimacy levels drastically. If your answer is your phone or tablet and not your partner, it’s time to make some changes.

Plug your phone in the kitchen and get a regular alarm clock—even an extra 10 minutes connecting with your partner devoid of the presence of electronic devices can give you a great boost in your sex life and relationship.

Weight change
A weight gain—or loss—can throw some partners off their game. The one who gains may feel self-conscious, or a partner may feel the body change is a threat or unattractive. Asking a partner to lose weight is like asking someone to quit smoking or drinking—it usually has no effect.

It is best to accept your partner’s weight by focusing on the physical and personality attributes you still find attractive.

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