Download Mp3: Mz Kiss – Youth Wake Up


Female Rapper Mz Kiss Sends A Message About the coming election

So many vices in our society and it’s quite sad that youths are the major perpetrators.

It’s time to wake up so that these vices won’t destroy us all, Say No Drugs, Say No To Political Thuggery.

Lyrics Below;
yoυ geт drυnĸ , тaĸe drυgѕ ѕay yoυ wan dey  alrιgнт  and yoυ  dey ѕee aм ғor вlog e dey  ĸιll people day and nιgнт
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вo тι e ѕнanυ ara e ѕнanυ awon тan wojυ e, ѕнoмa da ĸo dagвa  ĸo мa ғι owo вojυ e
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owo nι agвero ғι pa вυт yoυ jυѕт dey ғorм ѕтreeт ғιgнт, ELECTION тι dey  yoυ dey  ѕтaв anoтнer мan ιт’ѕ noт alrιgнт
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owυn re la ғe мa вarawa ѕнey no вe candle nιgнт, aѕ yoυ dey alιve yoυ тнιnĸ ѕay na yoυr power or мιgнт
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ѕтop doιng DRUGS 💉and ѕтarт тo нυѕтle ғor a caυѕe, тo ѕυpporт yoυr FAMILY мaĸe deм no dey ѕтare aт eмpтy poт 🥘
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мaĸe yoυ ѕeғ no Dey waĸa υp and down wιтн eмpтy pυrѕe  мaĸe yoυr lιғe вeттer yoυ ѕнoυldn’т вe  мaĸιng ιт worѕe
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вecaυѕe na yoυr HOUSE HELP yoυ dey тreaт aм lιĸe ѕay no вe нυмan,   ojojυмo nι ara nle вe enι ѕυrυ e ye lυ мa
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oloнυn тo тan ιna тι e ĸonι ĸoғι ĸιll тι eloмι, eyan ĸan lo ѕнey ιranlowo ғυn e ιwo na ѕнey ғυn eloмι aвoro la ѕoғυn oмo lυaвι тo вa denυ e adaғυn yι вeѕhey вaмι parι e
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ѕo WAKE UP YOUTH don’т leт VICES тaĸe advanтage oғ υѕ ι don тalĸ мy own o мaĸe ι ғor no мιѕѕ мy вυѕ.  мz ĸιѕѕ o razz o!

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