9 Ways To Make A Guy Crazy About You

There is hardly any woman or girl out there who does not want to be in a relationship where the guy is crazy about them. Make a guy go crazy over you!
9. Show him your independence
First of all, you need to show him your independence. It is important that you show the guy just how strong you really are. Men have a tendency to be attracted to those women that are independent. If you think sticking with the man at all times and relying on him will work, then you may want to think again.
8. You are not a parasite
Constantly sticking to a man and following him around is not going to make him want you more. You do not always have to be in front of him preparing yourself to do anything he wants. Therefore, it is important that you give him some space.
7. Do not take his place
As much as I always talk about equality, there are some roles that you cannot do when you are in a strong relationship. When you allow a man to show his masculinity, he will take the lead. You should be thankful when he steps in and helps you in some way.
6. Know how to enjoy your life
If you have a gloomy appearance and are always looking sad and depressed, then you cannot expect to attract a man.
5. Give support when relevant
No matter how strong someone is, even men, there are always points in their life when they will need to have some type of support. When you see that he needs it, you should be there for him and help him out.
4. Always be pretty
When many women get married, they let themselves go simply because they have already have their man. You should not let yourself go. If you went to the salon to get your hair done before you were married, then keep doing it. If you were smart when he first married you, then stay smart!
3. Be a great listener
One sure way to get a boyfriend is to pay attention to him. When he is talking, you should show him that you are interested in him by listening to him. Guys love it when they have a girl that cares about them and it drives them crazy. Don’t be self centered and always talk about your desires and your life. Give him some space and let him speak his mind. Men like it when they are appreciated and praised for their actions.
2. Make yourself unique
There are many women out there that are attractive too. You need to do something that sets you apart from them. Find something that is unique and go with it.
1. Just be yourself
In the end, you should just be yourself. Do not try to be like some super star you once saw on television. Be yourself and earn his respect.