Introverts are a temperament of people who love the quiet and laidback life, most would refer to them as loners or laidback and most assume introverts are smarter than extroverts(which isn’t true at all).
Introverts get a bad rap in a world that celebrates extroversion and “people-persons”. There are things introverts wish you knew about them that would help any relationship or situation.
Frontline rap sensation *BRAIN* is finally here with his much talked about EP, the *"Hurricane Season"* which serve as a precursor to his eventual album release. More like a valentine's gift to his ever-growing fan base, the *Magikal Entertainment*'s wordsmith comes through with a six-tracker EP starting out with *"Gat…
Minutes back, first lady of Chocolate City’s Ice Prince Maima Nkewa shared snaps(photos) of her and Ice prince together. In one of the photos got by Olisa television from her Snapchat account, she said, “Mine forever” and yet what is of enthusiasm to us is the deliberately taken photo to…