9 Romantic Ways To Propose

Proposing marriage to the love of your life can definitely be an overwhelming experience. Especially when you are trying to be creative, romantic, and original. While getting to the question you’ve been dying to ask can be frightening, whether you want to do something elaborate or something low-key, these ideas are sure to make you the man of her dreams. It all starts with a great idea and ends with the right question.
Go to the beach and build a sandcastle together at a safe distance from the ocean.When your partner isn’t looking, put the ring on the highest tower and ask her to look at a strange creature. Just pop out the question and tell her to get the ring.
Sneak into your partner’s office in the morning before she arrives. Write your proposal on her desk or a blackboard and stay hidden from sight until she shows up.
Take her to see a movie and while you guys are trying to get the tickets. just pop out the question. You can also compose a short movie which displays the special question on the screen, just pause, ask her to read what’s written on the screen and it will be fun to see her reaction afterwards.
Photography proposal
You can propose to your your girl by hiring a professional photographer to take couple sessions for you and her. Then propose to her during your photo shoot while the photographer captures every moment.
First meeting place
Surprise her by inviting her to where you first met each other. Make sure it’s well tidied up and decorated. Recreate the same moment and then propose to her. This will definitely move her and get embossed on her memory for a lifetime.
Surprise package
You can propose to your partner with her most cherished item like a perfume, a wristwatch, or even a dress, chocolates and food delicacies. You make sure the ring is hid inside the package and get it delivered to her doorstep.
Invite family members and friends for a party and have everyone present wearing a T–shirt or carrying balloons filled with helium bearing one of the letters in the phrase “Will you marry me”? Then during the party suggest a group picture to reveal the message.
Plan a romantic trip for two to a beautiful city, while you are on the plane use the loudspeaker system. Propose at 35‚000 feet and of course get your proper plan by the flight attendants first. Announce the question and include her name.
Go have a drink in an hotel bar after work or late in the night with your partner. When it’s time to go, have roses and candles all set up in your hotel room and ask her to come check something out in the room while she’s trying to ask you questions like what you guys are still doing in an hotel by that time of the day, just pop out the question and she will definitely scream to respond.
Propose to her in an usual way and she will never forget the experience in a life time, Just make sure it’s somewhere romantic or public so she will definitely say yes not no! But remember to ask her parents if you can marry her, otherwise they won’t be happy with you.