6 Tips To Help You Get Up In The Morning


The mood you’re in when you start your day counts. Here are ways to make getting up in the morning just a little more pleasant.

1.    Drink water immediately.

According to Coveteur, having a glass of water as soon as you wake is greatly refreshing and also a fantastic way to get your metabolism up and running.

2.    Routine kills you, so kill it first.

Doing the same things in the same order at the same time every day can really place a huge damper on your spirit and sense of adventure. Give yourself a reason or reward to get up in the morning. Do something out of the ordinary. Life is a lot more exciting when you live more spontaneously. Changing your daily routine can be as simple as going to your favourite spot for breakfast, or getting something you need done done.

3.    Lay off the alcohol and caffeine. This suggestion may not be a popular one. I get it. Sometimes a glass of late-night Merlot is necessary after a long day’s work. But if you have to be up early the next morning, you’d be better off swapping that glass of wine for herbal tea.

wellness, body

4.    And no, you can’t watch that last episode.

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Binge-watching before bed is probably the reason you’re pressing snooze every 10 minutes. Try powering down before bed and avoid checking your phone. It’ll make falling asleep easier and waking up on the first (or second) alarm call a bit more bearable.

5.    Set your coffee machine’s brewing time to your wake-up time. Boom! Life hack alert. If you have one of those fancy coffee machines, set it’s brewing time to just a few minutes before your alarm time. The smell of brewing coffee will lure you out of bed and your cup of coffee will be ready with minimal effort from you.

6.   Move your alarm clock. If you prefer the sound of your alarm, but it doesn’t quite do the trick to getting you out of bed, try moving it to a desk top or table across the room. This way, you’ll need to get out of bed to turn the alarm off. Is this ridiculously simple or profoundly logical?

Wellness, body

Gif: Giphy

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