11 Things Women Want You To Do To Them In Bed
Things Women Want You To Do To Them In Bed
So let’s kink things up a little bit and talk about what women want in the bedroom. It’s really not as complicated as you may think.
1. Sense Of Touch
Women love being touched. Feel her body with your hands in a nice, passionate and sensual way and turn her on.
2. Massage
Incorporate an amateurish Swedish massage once in a while into your s*x routine. Women take a longer time to get turned on than men and an oil massage is a perfect way to make her feel relaxed and get her into the mood after a long day.
3. Music
Put a playlist of some titillating music to get the two of you in the mood.
4. Test Some Aphrodisiacs Together
Research on aphrodisiacs such as chocolates, asparagus and walnuts; test them together prior to and see if they actually work.
5. Use Some Foreplay Foods
Share strawberries dipped in chocolate or pour Nutella all over your woman and lick her clean *wink*.
6. Good Old Cliche Petals And Flowers On The Bed
Cliche, but oh so romantic…it’s a pleasant surprise to walk into a candle lit room full of petals.
7. Cunnilingus, Lots of it ?
No woman hates it. And if you find one that does, chances are, it’s because you’re doing it wrongly. Let her give you the lead, make her comfortable and don’t stop till she’s satisfied. If you know what I mean. Watch her expressions, they will guide you on whether or not you’re getting it right. If unsure, feel free to ask her what she likes.
8. Don’t Be Selfish
If you know very well that you’re a one minute man, let the lady take the lead by starting with positions that she loves or those that are easier for her to climax. Take your time, enjoy each other. Make love to each other. Let enjoyment and satisfaction be the goal and not releasing your ‘load’.
9. Cuddle After S*x
Hold her once the two of you are done. Don’t just turn to your side and start the snoring. Kiss her, and cuddle her and fall asleep together
10. Try Different Positions
Try different positions. Because the missionary is so overrated. Watch some kinky videos together. There’s no shame in that. Have an open mind experiment sometimes, taking the less traveled road will surprise you. Pleasant surprises for that matter.
11. Rough It Up A Little Bit
Chock her a little bit, grab her hair (hopefully she doesn’t wear wigs cause that would be awwwkwaaaard…), whisper in her ears. Women love that.