10 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Visit Kenya

I am one of those people you would normally find locked in behind closed doors, eyes glued to any type of screen, whiling away most of my time.
That’s how I earn my living, though. I’m not much of a social butterfly. I have my moments but they flit by really fast.
However, I love to travel but that doesn’t happen often. And that was why when Kenya Airways gave me an opportunity of a lifetime to take me to Kenya, I jumped on it. And boy! am I glad I did.
I had a fantastic time and to be honest, I didn’t want to come back home. The weather was great, the scenery breathtaking and the people are amazing. Don’t even get me started on the nightlife that never takes a break and the array of foods and drinks.
Reiterating, I am glad I didn’t miss this for anything. It’s a place of fun and adventure. There were so many things to do, amazing places to go and unfortunately, very little time. I’m very certain my travel companions from Nigeria felt the same way.
I do hope to do this again…soon. And I think you should to. Africa has a lot to offer when you want to holiday. Why go so far away when you can go next door and get double the fun and excitement?
Keep Kenya on your bucket list and holiday plans. But if you aren’t so sure, I’ll share with you my personal reasons why I feel you should visit Kenya.
- Because Kenyans Are Super Chill
Kenyans are really calm and cool people. They are polite, easy-going and friendly. Due to the fact that they get to meet a lot of foreigners and tourists, they have this hospitable nature and pleasant way of communicating with you. But I’d like to believe that it is beyond tourism; that they are naturally welcoming. I saw a couple of minor road accidents and there was not one voice raised amongst the parties involved. They don’t blow their horns at traffic stops, they keep to speed limits and they serve you with a smile and calm persona– always! Nigerians need to learn a thing or two from them about patience.
- Because Of The Safari
I had a surreal moment when I visited the Masai Mara National Reserve. I was close to wildlife and I can’t really put to words how amazing it felt. This wasn’t National Geographic or Animal Planet; it was the real thing. Has anyone ever told you how beautiful Zebras are? I kid you not. You just want to reach out and touch them (you’re not allowed to, though). And then we saw a lion that gave us close photo opportunities. It had that pride that lions are known to have. Surrounded by over thirty tourists, it seemed not to care about our presence. From the scars on its face you could tell this was no pussy cat. I was glad I was safe in the tour bus. We also saw wildebeests, antelopes, elephants, the secretary bird, monkeys and buffalos.
- Because The giraffes are super friendly
At the Giraffe Centre, we had one-on-one encounters with the endangered Rothschild giraffes. There are only about 370 of them in the world and 350 of them are in Kenya. The Giraffe Centre was founded by late Jock and Betty Melvile in 1979 after they discovered that the Rothschild, which numbered only about 120 then, were endangered. They started by bringing up two young giraffes into their property and then raised funds to set up the centre. Today, after three decades, the centre is a success story. Friendly and generally calm, the Rothschild giraffes do not shy away from human contact. I shared a kiss with one of them as it lapped up a pellet of specially made food off my lips. It was ticklish and not as bad as some of my travel companions thought it was. I actually liked it. Their saliva is highly antiseptic anyways.
- Because The Land Is Beautiful
Green scenery, high mountains, remarkable wildlife, you have it all in Kenya. The Great Rift Valley literally took my breath away. I was scared, to be honest but I was amazed at the height and beauty. It’s one of those sights that makes you wonder what God was thinking when he was creating the world. My friends and I had great photo moments and took selfies.
- Because Every Monday Night Is Reggae Night
People in Lagos think they can party but they haven’t seen anything yet. We visited the Tamasha club in Hurlingham, Nairobi on Monday night and we found it packed full. We had to stand for a while before we could find some space to sit. We were told nightlife in Nairobi buzzes every night. If you’re a party animal and you love to dance, then find yourself in Kenya. We also visited The Lounge at Mombasa and they played Nigerian music back to back. Unfortunately, our trip was so packed full with activities that we didn’t have time to see other hotspots.
- Because Of Their Coffee
There is a reason why Kenyan coffee is the most universally admired. The advanced and sophisticated processes taken for preparation and packaging, the deep flavors, the potent sweetness, the well-balanced nature, all give Kenyan coffee the popular Connoisseurs Cup name. Whether you take it black or with cream, you’ll enjoy this special brand as I constantly did.
- Because Of Their Hotels and Lodges
We were hosted by Sarova Hotels hosted at both Nairobi and Mombasa and while at the Masai Mara, we stayed at Keekorok Lodge. Throughout our stay, we got five-star hospitality. Keekorok Lodge had single, beautiful lodges that were fully equipped with everything one needed for a short stay while visiting the game reserve. The rooms have no need for air conditioners or television. The idea is to leave you connected to nature and to the wild. At night you would find Monkeys and Zebras moving around freely in the area. There is also a Hippo pond not far from the lodging area. The weather is cool, the air clean and the service top class. At the Sarova Whitesands and Beach Resorts, I was left breathless. Protected by the Mombasa Marine Park, Sarova Whitesands Beach Resorts in Mombasa boasts of 5 swimming pools, three restaurants and a nightclub by the beachside. It is a place I don’t want to forget in a hurry. Their service is impeccable. Their buffets, full of a variety of tasty meals; we were even given the opportunity to have some okra soup, specially made for us. The rooms come with equipped minibars, TVs; ocean, garden and pool views. There is also free WiFi available for guests, plus a tennis and a diving center.
- Because Of The Masai Tribe
I met them. Those tall, dark men that love to jump really high. They let us into their village and gave us a glimpse of their simple but fascinating life. Their main meal is a mixture of cow blood and milk. They do not cook. Roasted meat is also a delicacy there. Everyone is related to everyone else in the village, hence they do not marry amongst themselves. They pick wives from other villages. The men can marry as many women as they can afford to. Bride price can range from ten to fifteen cows. Their homes are made with cow dung and mud and they have no qualms sharing it with the calves of their cows.
- Because Crocodile Meat Tastes Like Roast Chicken
Yup! It does! I totally enjoyed it at the Safari Park Hotel while we were being entertained by the Safari cats. We also had a taste at the Carnivore Restaurant in Nairobi. Served with an array of different meats, croc didn’t come off bad at all. You should try it sometime.
10. Because Kenyans Love Nigerians
Here in Nigeria, we have this perception that the rest of Africa dislikes us. It might be true in some parts but not in Kenya. We were treated warmly during our stay, and just yesterday, I got a call from a friend who was checking up on me to know if I arrived safely. A couple of days into our visit, a Kenyan guy Tweeted about Nigerian men and their love for Kenyan women and it caused a lot of controversy on Twitter. I won’t say he is far from the truth. Kenyan women are beautiful and Nigerian men love beautiful women. The love is mutual on their side too. There was not one hostile look or reception thrown our way. They love us, they love our music and they love our movies. They know more about us than we know about them, and I think it is time we moved out of our giant space in Africa to see the beauty that is waiting just next door.
Visit Kenya soon and I promise you, you’ll want to visit again. And make sure you fly Kenya Airways to take you there in style. With over a hundred movies to watch, different genres of music to listen to, games for kids and adults and tasty meals to keep you entertained, KQ is more than a pie in the sky.
And to all my Kenyan peeps, a short visit to Naija won’t be bad na. How una take see am?
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