Need To Develop A Peer To Peer, Member To Member Donation Website?
Do you wish to take your online business to the next leve via Multilevel Marketing?
Develop your custom website for Peer to Peer/Member to Member donations that fits your business model specifically via our custom developed script.
Here are a few features
1. Transactions could use the Bitcoin and you can also have access to add Bank, FasaPay or Perfect Money on the code
2. Equiped SMS Gateway
3. Easy and complete Admin Panel
4. Features Print Data Transaction
5. Messages between PH and GH
6. Details of referrals and referrals can see transaction data
7. The Commission is composed of the Sponsor Committee, Level Commission and Commission Manager. Can be switched off
8. Username Affiliate Member
9. Features Anti Hit and Run
10. Limit PH and GH Every Day, Week and Month
11. Ticket System
12. DP System
13. Manager System
Order for the script now or a custom peer to peer donation website built by our team of skilled and professional developers.
For More Info
Please contact Now
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 07035016384
WhatsApp: 07035015384