Top 4 Most Powerful African-American Women Pastors

Although men have generally held the leading positions in the church, there are some women ministers that have risen to the top. Here are the most popular women pastors that you should get to know of.

Vashti McKenzie – Rev. McKenzie is a pastor at Payne Memorial AME Church located in Baltimore. She is quite known for her dynamic and electrifying speeches. Dr. McKenzie wrote numerous books which talk about the leadership of women inside the church.

She also has several books written about her sermons. Many applaud her for her extraordinary skill in teaching. Through her sermons, she is able to use the basic scriptures which are still applicable in our daily lives.

She became the first female elected bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal church.

Prathia Laura Ann Hall – She is a pastor at Mt. Sharon Baptist Church in Philadelphia. Dr. Hall was part of the Freedom Movement during the 1960’s and became the dean of the African-American studies at the United Theological Seminary in Ohio. She hails from a family of preachers and is considered as one of the most commanding women preachers.

Dr. Hall has certainly a knack for delivering her sermons with a powerful punch of biblical annotations.

Delores Carpenter – She is the senior pastor at the Michigan Park Christian Church in Washington D.C. Rev. Carpenter is also a professor at the Divinity School of Howard University where she taught religion. She holds the position as the general editor of the publication, African Heritage Hymnal


She has been ministering since she was 16 years old and her long and extensive experience allowed her to perfect her skills in preaching. Therefore, her sermons are quite electrifying and bring hope to the black people who are in desperate need of healing. Even though her sermons are based on scholarly principles, she is able to relate to the African-American working class.


Renita Weems – She holds the position of an associate professor at the Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Tennessee and teaches the Old Testament in her classes. Rev. Weems is often acknowledged for her ability to bring scripture alive. At the same time, she remains entirely grounded and has a full understanding of the hopes and aspirations of the average black woman.

Therefore, she is able to relate the challenges and difficulties of the African-American woman to the teachings of the Old Testament.

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