6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Feel Bad That You’re Single

1. Who cares?

People will give you all of this terrible advice (all the time) about how you’ll find the “one” when you’re not really looking. I’m never looking and I still haven’t found the one. Or that you need to love yourself before someone loves you. Oh please, people loved me when I was 14 and had braces and pimples — and I definitely didn’t love myself then!
But the truth is, when you want something to happen — and this applies to everything in life — you actually need to try. So if you want a dating life, you need to do something about it. You need to motivate yourself to get off the couch, put on some pants and sit across from Mr. Wrong about 45 times before you find Mr. Right.

And don’t do this unless you’re ready to do this. And you’ll know when you’re ready to this simply because the thought of online dating won’t make you nauseous and you will actually be excited to be set up with a friend of a friend of a friend.

2. Social media is a lie
People only post the really, really good or the really, really bad. Don’t let someone’s hashtags or smooching photos freak you out. They didn’t post about their terrible dates or their heartbreaks or the amount of times they fully swore they’d be alone forever before they found the one.
3. You’re not alone
You’re not the only person who feels perpetually single or the only person who feels like they are never, ever going to find anyone. I’m not saying we should all form some kind of support group where we meet once a week and cry in each others shoulders. I’m just saying we should accept that there is nothing wrong with us.

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